Are Flags and Banners allowed into the Stadium?

Guests may bring a flag into the ground WITHOUT permission from Wembley Stadium should the following guidelines be followed:

  • On levels 1 & 2, flags more than 250cm in size at their widest or longest section will not be allowed (without additional permission) and flagpoles greater than 1m in length will not allowed.


  • On level 5 of the stadium, flags more than 200cm x 100cm will not be allowed and flagpoles greater than 1m in length will not allowed. Any flags greater in length than this will not be permitted.

  • Please note, any national flag not of the competing international teams will not be permitted inside the stadium. 

There must be no advertising or commercial message on the flag and should not contain any abusive or defamatory messages.

Please note that flag poles made of metal are not permitted inside the stadium, no matter what size or length the flag / pole is.

Should a guest  arrives at Wembley Stadium connected by EE and their flag does not fall under the above guidelines, and they have not gained permission from Wembley Stadium, the flag will be confiscated at the turnstiles and not allowed into the Stadium.

In order to submit a request to bring in a flag larger than 250cm at it's largest point please click here for more information.

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