Services for the hard of hearing or deaf


Fans can use this service to make enquiries and to purchase tickets for Wembley Stadium and FA events. The BSL Interpreter will relay the conversation in real time to the Wembley Stadium disability access team. This service is offered free to all guests who request it. Guests who use British Sign Language (BSL), please visit 

To learn more about this service please watch the video below:

British Sign Language (BSL)

Wembley Stadium offers free BSL interpretation of every concert at the stadium. The interpreters are located in front of Block 123 and guests are then seated in the first three rows, giving them a guaranteed view of both the interpreter and the stage. 

This is offered at no extra charge to the guests and BSL users can sit with friends and family, subject to any maximum booking restriction per event.

You can read about how to purchase tickets for this area here: Purchase Accessible Tickets & Proof of Disability

To learn more about this service, please watch the video below: 

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