Tour Visitor Information

Opening hours

Tours will open at 10am and doors will close at last entry which will vary depending on the time of year you visit.

October – March, last entry is at 3pm/ April – July and September, last entry is 4pm/ August last entry is 5pm


Tour entrance

The Tour entrance is on level 1 of the stadium directly behind the Bobby Moore Statue. Visitors will need to walk up two flights of stairs or use the external lift which can be assessed to the left-hand side of the Club Wembley entrance.


Security checks

Wembley Stadiums operates a 100% bag search as part of entry conditions. 


Is there a cloakroom for coats and bags? 

We do not offer cloakroom services.  Any large bags or suitcases will not be allowed into Wembley Stadium. Personal belongings must be kept with students and teachers at all times.


Multi Media Guides

Each visitor will be handed a Multi Media Guide on their arrival which is full of content and will act as you guide through the first two sections of the tour. Each visitor needs to wear the MMG around their neck as this acts as the stadium accreditation whilst on site


The Multi Media Guides are available in English, French, Spanish, German, Mandarin and British Sign Language. The self-guided elements of the tour offer an audio translation and the guided element of the tour offers a visual translation of the key points discussed by the Tour Host at each stop point of the tour.


What can I expect from my Tour?

Your Tour will begin as soon as you arrive. You will be handed your Multi Media Guide and be able to go through the first two sections of the tour at your own pace. You will receive an alert on your MMG 5 minutes before your guided experience begins – if you would like more time that is fine just speak to a member of the Tour team.


For your guided experience, the Tour Host will escort you and the group around the more secure parts of the stadium, sharing facts and information at each key stop point. They will use the master device to share infographics and videos to your MMG.


At the end of the Tour, your Tour Host will collect all MMGs and direct you to the Stadium Store where you will be able to purchase photos taken on the tour and lots of Wembley memorabilia.


How long does the Tour last?

This really depends on how long you choose to spend in the self-guided sections. The guided elements of the tour are approximately 75 minutes. We recommend allowing 2 hours for your visit.


Is there a Tour café in the stadium?

Unfortunately not - we have a vending machine in the self-guided areas of the tour. However if you head over to the London Design Outlet Guest Services and present your Wembley Stadium Tour ticket, you can redeem a discount card which can be used in many of the shops and restaurants on the site.

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