Have a question you need to get in touch with us about?

The Customer Engagement Team is here to help anyone who has a question about an England home or away match or who require assistance regarding a recent visit to Wembley Stadium, an upcoming visit or tour, or simply planning to attend in the near future.


Please note that due to the large amount of enquiries that we receive and the limited resources available, unfortunately we are not in a position to respond personally to each email that we receive. Therefore if you have a comment or query about any of the following topics please note that we will not be able to offer a response:


Any match result


Suggestions for changes to the Laws of The Game

Sales pitches 

Scoreboard & tannoy announcements

A complaint about an event you are not attending

Disciplinary issues

Requests for players or manager autographs

If you have a question or issue about a County FA, or any football played at a County level, please click here to access the contact details for the County FAs.

Whilst we do have a postal address, we ask that you do not send us letters, parcels or requests for autographs as we are unable to fulfil these and cannot guarantee that we can return these items. 

If you wish to contact us about an upcoming event at Wembley Stadium, a tour or an upcoming England game, please click HERE.


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