Can i bring Medication into the Stadium?

Should you suffer from a medical condition which requires you to carry medication and/or equipment with you in the event of an emergency, such as a diabetic who many require to carry insulin and needles, we will of course allow these items into the stadium, however we require the following actions / documentation to support your entry to the venue.

  • Contact your doctor or health care professional to ensure you are fit to attend the event at Wembley Stadium connected by EE. This is strongly advised, Wembley Stadium connected by EE cannot provide medical advice to guests prior to an event.
  • Please ensure your doctor or health care professional provides you with written confirmation to confirm your medical condition and the medication and/or equipment you require to bring to the stadium for your welfare in the event of a medical emergency.  Please ensure you bring this letter with you as our stewarding teams will require sight of this letter to allow you entry to the stadium.

Please note, should the above process not be followed you may not be granted access to the venue due to strict safety regulations regarding prohibited and restricted items being allowed into the venue for safety purposes.  Your ticket will not be refunded as a result.

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