Different event owners have their own bag policy, for events such as UEFA, NFL & Rugby, please visit the specific event page for more details (click here)

All ticket holders are prohibited from bringing any bag into the stadium unless it adheres to the Wembley Stadium regulations as outlined below. Entry of any non-compliant bag will be refused.

Bags will be checked at an outer cordon and a bag gauge will be used for any dispute on size.

All items and bags carried by spectators and staff will be carefully inspected upon entry to the stadium, which may include a personal wanding or pat down.

All match day merchandise purchases will be supplied in a clear plastic bag in line with this policy and will be admissible.  If you purchase merchandise from one of our concession stands on the outer concourse or the external stadium store, the bag will be sealed because it is inside the security cordon. Please do not break the seal until you enter the venue.

If for any reason (medical) you require a bag or to bring in medication, that does not adhere to this policy, please contact us prior to event day by submitting a request and selecting 'Medical Exemption Certificate' as the topic. You can submit a request by clicking here.

Accepted proof of eligibility for Medical Exemption Certificates:

A statement of higher or middle rate disability living allowance (DLA)

Receipt of either the Severe Disablement Allowance or Attendance Allowance

Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

Qualifying annual uprating letter

The Access Card (Details available from www.accesscard.org.uk)

Registration document which certifies that you are Registered Blind or Partially Sighted

Veterans Agency letter confirming War Disablement Pension

A personal letter outlining your access requirements from your hospital specialist (within reasonable date)

If resident outside of UK, please use equivalent documentation.

The above is not exhaustive, and we do consider each application on a case by case basis. 

You will be issued with a certificate representing your right to take those items into the stadium. You will need to produce this certificate at the outer security cordon. Your bag will be searched and may be subject to an x-ray scan before entering the venue.

Thank you for your cooperation and your contribution to providing a safer environment and an improved event day experience.

Bag to be no larger than A4.

Height 297mm (11.7 inches)

Width 210mm (8.27 inches)

Depth 210mm (8.27 inches)

The approved criteria are in reference to the dimensions of the bag itself - bags that are half full and folded to reduce overall size will not be accepted.


Why did Wembley Stadium adopt this policy?

Wembley Stadium review public safety and stadium security policies every year, looking for ways to improve them. The Stadium strongly believes that it makes sense to adjust the policy to enhance public safety and make stadium access more efficient by limiting the size and style of bags carried into the stadium.

This proactive measure will both enhance safety inside and outside the stadium and speed the security screening process for all Wembley Stadium visitors. This is about both safety and improving the overall guest experience.

How does this make it more convenient for guests?

This will enable us to move guest through our security check points much faster, allowing staff to be more efficient and effective in checking the smaller bags that are brought into the stadium. There will be less time spent standing in lines at the stadium gates and guests will be able to be in their seats well before the start of the event. Guest also will enjoy an improved sense of safety.

How many bags can each person bring into the stadium?

One small bag per person that does not exceed A4 size (210mm x 210mm x 297mm) per person. All event day merchandise purchases will be supplied in a clear plastic bag in line with this policy and will be admissible in addition to the above.

What happens if I show up at the gate with a bag that is not permitted?

Guests carrying bags that do not meet the criteria WILL NOT BE PERMITTED ENTRY. If for any reason (medical or other) you require a bag or to bring in medication, that does not adhere to the Wembley Stadium bag policy, entry will be permitted subject to contacting us PRIOR to the event day here. You will be issued with a certificate representing your right to take those items into the stadium. You will need to produce this certificate at the outer security cordon. Your bag will be searched and may be subject to an x-ray scan before entering the venue. Bags that do not meet these criteria can be left at our Bag Drop which is adjacent to the Ibis Hotel.

If I have certain items or equipment that I need to bring into the stadium for medical reason and they won’t fit into a bag no larger than A4 size, what do I do?

An exception will be made for medically necessary items after inspection by security personnel and contacting us PRIOR to match day by clicking here. As per above, you will require a certificate issued by our customer engagement team.

Can guests carry cameras, smart phones, or tablets separately from what they put in a clear bag?

Yes. A phone or camera can be carried into the stadium so long as it is not in its own bag. This is not a restriction on items that fans have been able to bring into the stadium. It is only a restriction on the type of container used to carry items.

Are all handbags prohibited?

No. Unlike some event venues, we are not banning all bags. Bags smaller than A4, with or without a handle or strap, are permitted. This should enable you to carry the same items you have in previous years and speed entry into the stadium for all fans because it will take less time to screen bags. Shorter lines mean fewer hassles. We encourage fans not to bring any bags but have created a policy that balances fan needs with improved public safety and convenience.


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