Caps are loyalty points awarded to members of the My England Football and England Supporters Travel Club for attending an England Men's Senior friendly or qualifier using tickets purchased from The FA. 

Caps are allocated based on attendance, not when tickets are purchased. For home games 2 caps are added to My EF and ESTC accounts within 21 days of attending an England friendly or qualifier. In order for caps to be allocated correctly, supporters will need to assign their fan number to their ticket at the point of purchase in the priority members sale(s). Once that ticket is then scanned at the turnstiles, your attendance is recorded and will be updated onto your membership within 21 days of the match. 

Caps are only awarded for tickets purchased directly from The FA and no caps are awarded for attending tournament fixtures. It is not possible to retrospectively apply caps for matches that took place more than 21 days ago or for matches attended prior to becoming a member. 

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