Wembley Stadium policy: Kirpan information for the Sikh community

  • Kirpans are allowed to be worn inside Wembley Stadium – however it must not be visible to the public and should be worn underneath clothes in order to ensure the highest possible safety at all times. 
  • The Kirpan will be sheathed and secured, in line with religious requirements and a particular size.
  • The blade length can be up to 4 inches and the full length with the sheath should not exceed 6 inches, but smaller kirpans are preferable.
  • Sikhs wearing Kirpans are encouraged to declare it and undergo security searches in line with the stadium search policy.  
  • Staff are made aware of religious attire on a regular basis as part of their training.  
  • The FA has a Faith and Football Network, with representatives of all major faiths whom we consult with on a regular basis on matters of faith and football. We are open for further discussion with religious groups regarding religious attire should they wish to raise any issues or concerns.

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