Restricted & Prohibited Items



Ahead of your visit to the stadium, please take note of the following prohibited items: 

All visitors to Wembley Stadium, and their belongings, are subject to a search at the venue.
 Prohibited items include, but are not limited to:

  •  Bags which do not adhere to the specified Bag Policy (medical exemptions apply)
  • Large Umbrellas 
  • Aluminium & glass receptacles, including glass perfume bottles
  • Plastic bottles over 500ml 
  • Alcohol 
  • Food & Drink 
  • Pushchairs
  • selfie sticks
  • weapons & tools 
  • flares, lasers, smoke devices & cannisters
  • large bodied cameras & camcorders
  • drones
  • unauthorised musical instruments & vuvuzelas

Any person in possession of such items will be refused entry to the Stadium. To see the stadium rules and regulations in full, please click here.

Any article which is deemed to be offensive/abusive, compromises public safety, or might be used as a weapon will be confiscated and reported to the police.

Please be aware that the information provided is subject to change without notice. Additionally, third party event owners may have their own list of prohibited items which supersedes venue policies. These lists will be published and communicated to visitors as far in advance as possible.

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