Tickets are dispatched at different points, and in different formats, for each event.

It is worth checking where you purchased your ticket from. If it was not purchased from Wembley Stadium, or The FA, we will be unable to assist and you will need to contact the ticketing agent you purchased from.

As a guideline, please do not contact us until 48 hours before your show or match. Tickets are sent out on a rolling basis and if you contact us before that time we will be unable to assist. 

There is always representatives from each ticketing agent, including Wembley Stadium, at the Ticket Offices at the Stadium on event day. These are located on the B1 mezzanine and staff can direct you to these. If you have any concerns about tickets arriving on-time staff there will be able to assist on the day. Please note, you will need to bring some form of Photo ID as we are only able to assist the lead booker. 

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