Public Space Protection Order

No street drinking zone

Since 2022, Brent Council and its partners have enforced a no-street-drinking zone on Olympic Way and the surrounding area for all events at Wembley Stadium. This is part of the current Public Space Protection Order, which you can find more information about here.  


Fans drinking on Olympic Way and the surrounding streets will be asked to hand over their alcohol and enforcement action may be considered. 


Supporters wanting alcohol before the event should head for the licensed bars, pubs and restaurants available in the Brent area – find out more here


If you are travelling into Wembley by public transport, please click here to find out more about drinking alcohol in public places. There may also be alcohol restrictions on coach services.


The use of pyrotechnics, flares and smoke devices inside or outside Wembley Stadium is also illegal and prohibited. Anyone caught carrying or using pyrotechnical equipment inside the stadium will be immediately ejected from the stadium, banned from future events and dealt with by police. Those caught using pyrotechnic equipment anywhere outside of the stadium will be in breach of the Public Space Protection Order and face enforcement action.


We are taking these steps to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone.

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